my heart goes out to thier family's
I lost my boi to da coca
my heart goes out to thier family's
I lost my boi to da coca
Pillz I hope yo boyz are chillin wit da tyte black angels in da sky, gettin high in tha cloudz.
This Was Weird
but I laughed
Short and to the point
you are a fucking genious
really funny shit
Funny Idea
but its more like a gif then a flash movie
you must be a wrestler
because lazy fat people who eat unhealthy, don't exercise and complain about there weight piss me off too.
I think anyone that complains that things can't be done annoy me. Almost anything is possible and losing weight is one of them. Just takes time. =) Good looks on the review. lataaaaaa...
That Was Silly
but I voted 5 because I did laugh
I thought of the same thing
Those commercials blow
I'm am so fuckin pissed off now. First off the Doughboy would fuck anyone up that even thought about poking him. You don't know him. His skin would never break that easy. Don't ever make a movie about Pillsbury unless its more true to life. He kills people for fun and doesn't even think twice about it.
Check my nigga pillsbury's flo, his beef is like dough, his shits be risen, glidin, grindin buyin air jordans cuz he my numba one homie if gangsta was a drink you fileth my cup betta show repespect when pillz is brought up- TAKEitOrLUMPit
Age 87, Male
Gangster Rapper
The School Of Hard Knocks
The Ghetto
Joined on 10/2/03